Edward B. Butler to Jane Addams, December 9, 1910



My dear Miss Addams:-

Upon my return from Europe I found upon desk at home the book "Twenty Years at Hull House" containing your well known and much valued autograph.

This is not simply to express my appreciation of your thoughtful kindness but to tell you that I am glad to be back again in the city of your presence.

John Burns said to me -- "And how is dear Saint Jane?" -- They all know Miss Addams in that part [page 2] of the world just as they do in this.

A gentleman sitting by my side at a <large> luncheon, which occurred on the day of my arrival last Saturday, said "Chicago has but one really great character -- Miss Addams."

You will pardon me for putting all these things down in writing but its gives a modest man an opportunity to express his own thoughts through the mouths of others.

I had hoped to get over to Hull House this week but as usual have failed to do so.

Trusting you are quite well, I [illegible] ↑am↓, with kindest regards,

Yours to command,

Edward B. Butler

Chicago Decmeber 9. 1910.

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