Mary Hall Ingham to Lucy Biddle Lewis, March 24, 1924


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March 24, 1924

Mrs. Lucy Biddle Lewis, Chairman,
National Board, Section for the United States,
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

My dear Mrs. Lewis:

I hereby present my resignation as Chairman of the National Committee, International Congress, 1924, and ask that it be accepted by the National Board and to take effect March 31st.

The sole reason for this action is the fact that my work is impossible to carry out because of the lack of cooperation, and the opposition, direct and indirect, of the Executive Secretary, Miss Woods.

The reports sent herewith show the effect of Miss Woods' attitude on (1) the campaign of publicity, directed by Miss Edgar; (2) its effect on the office management, directed by Mrs. Jones; (3) its effect on the efforts of both these women to make plans and carry out either my suggestions or those of Miss Woods; and (4) on my efforts to arrange the program or to consult with others on matters of vital importance to the success of the Congress.

I am taking this step only after having tried every means in my power to do the work and to get cooperation from Miss Woods, without success. I would remind the Board that I have been in Washington as Chairman of the Congress Committee ever since January 2, during that time no member of the Executive Committee has taken part in the work here except Mrs. Lewis, who has come as often as she could for a few hours, but has not, anymore than the rest of us here, been able to settle the difficulty.

As a member of the Board and of the Executive Committee, I will do everything in my power to help solve the problem so that the preparations for the Congress may be completed satisfactorily.

Yours very truly,

Mary H. I [signed]
Chairman, National Committee,
International Congress, 1924