Talk of next war growing more common. Some present preparations for next war. October Atlantic -- The New Preparedness.
Should we have a next war?
I What is the status of the present generation in the history of man?
A. The long struggle to develop "brain-box" which [ante?] dated man was characterized by utilizing
Fighting had useful place as suffering seemed chief instrument of the vital urge {"Suffering" at this stage little more than a discomfort}
B. Advent of primitive intelligence characterized by conscious inventive processes
Fighting has less important place as intellectual curiosity and inventiveness builds up a culture {as suffering becomes more acute, it loses its usefulness}
C. Intelligence gains great mastery of physical forces
Fighting loses all constructive value and becomes horribly destructive {[cooperation] to eliminate suffering marks progress.} [page 2]
D. Part played by conservative forces [throughout] this evolution
II. Struggle to avoid next war must be commensurate to the menace
A. Knowledge possessed by the few must be made general.
First as to what may cause a next war
1. Psychological causes (exaggerated nationalism group characteristic, animosities ↑[etc.]↓)
2. Physiological causes (population, natural and artificial boundaries [etc.])
3. Economic causes
4. The psychological preparation
Second as to what will be the nature of the next war
1. Evolution of instruments of war
2. Increase in destruction
3. Increase in misery
4. Complete reversal of all of humanity's efforts to relieve suffering
5. Present day war is
Third as to what is the relation of war
1. To Democracy
2. To Imperialism
3. To Heroism
B. How is the elementary knowledge concerning war to be made general?
How is interest to be aroused and means devised to make more people conscious that a next war is inevitable unless it is intelligently averted?
My hope has been to get a group in every community organized for the purpose of study and work for the Cause of Peace
Militaristic propaganda is at work in every nook and cranny and no available channel is neglected. People who hope for peace must be equally active.