Alfred Holden Byles to Jane Addams, January 18, 1909



11, Southhampton Row,

January 19th, 1909.

Miss Jane Addams,

Dear Miss Addams,

An account has been sent to me of the International Juvenile Improvement Association, which I understand was formed at Hull House under the ↑your↓ presidency some two or three years ago. The account sent to me is very interesting, but it does not give much detailed information of the sphere of your work or the methods you pursue. I am so sorry to trouble so busy a person as you are; not knowing the Secretary I thought perhaps you would be able without much trouble, to get me the information I want. I should like to have any printed report that you may have issued.

I do not know whether you would remember me, but some 15 years ago we met several times at Chicago and also at Hull House. I was then living at [Omaha], and am now editing the organ of the British Institute of Social Service. In case you do not know our magazine I send you a copy, under another cover.

With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,

A. Holden Byles [signed]