John Sanborn Phillips to Jane Addams, February 20, 1911

The American Magazine
Phillips Publishing Company
31 East 17thStreet                            

New York
February 20th, 1911
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am very sorry that I did not get a chance to see you when you were in New York. The fact is that I was laid up with the grippe for almost two weeks, and just as soon as I could get out of the house, I had to go to Washington in anticipation of this postal trouble. I wanted very much to have a chance to meet you and hoped that we might talk a little about the proposed book. I know it is something that you can't hasten, but I am sure that when you do get around to it, it will be a valuable and important contribution -- and much needed.

Faithfully yours,

John S Phillips [signed]

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