Jane Addams to Amy Woods, September 9, 1924


more later.

Hull's Cove Maine
Sept 9" 1924

My dear Miss Woods

The two proofs have just come to hand. I assume of course that the French Cahier is a reprint from the one in the Report, so I am sending it on to Mrs Post for [consideration?] as she knows so much more about it than I do -- I am not much of a proof reader. The Johnson one seems to me very nice, I think that you [suggest] ↑advertising↓ on back is very good, if we are sure that we are going to print all of those Summer School speeches.

I am quite insistent on at least two, Johnson & [Kirchhoff] but think [page 2] that money for the others should be determined by the Ex. Com of the Nat. for I hope very much that some of this extra money can repay them, as I wrote before.

I think that Mr Johnson himself of course should see the proof. I myself think that the [Swiggett] ↑article↓ would be quite as good for us as a reprint -- it was fearfully vague both times & I suspect [with you?] -- [illegible] U.S.A. Ed-Dept is a good name to [conspire?] with.

Hastily yours Jane Addams

P.S. You failed to [enclose] any letter from Mrs Brite. I am quite curious about it!