Annie B. Ford to Jane Addams, December 1, 1910


New Harmony, Indiana.
Dec. 1st 1910.

My dear Miss Addams:

Your new volume has [brought] me great delight from several standpoints. That you have recorded finding so much of Robt Owen's spirit still clinging to New Harmony will increase the faith of those of us who are trying to work ↑for↓ "better human relations."

Emerson wrote (1842) "Our time too is full of activity and performance". "The Times" stands beautifully for the individual, but Emerson ↑failed↓ to state, probably did not see, that the [page 2] majority quorum in organization is the only route by which the individual can secure any sort of independence and with common sense, live, with conservation ↑in all things↓, perhaps, as the key note.

"Activity and performance"! I hold "Twenty Years in Hull House" sacred and am happy as one of the masses in acknowledging my indebtedness to you.

For the gift of the volume believe me most grateful.

Sincerly Yours,

Annie B. Ford.

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