October 16, 1924
Dear Sister Addams:
McCall's Magazine telephones this morning that they are eager to be in the list of periodicals publishing articles in their issue marked February, but appearing on the stands about January 20th. For this the deadline is October 27th.
McCall's wants 2500 words and leaves the selection of the title to you. They will telegraph you today, but asked me to write you also, which I am doing with very mixed emotions.
They are one of the three periodicals with the largest circulation, -- the other two being the Ladies' Home Journal and the Woman's Home Companion, and they go largely to the "folks back home" whom we are trying to educate in regard to the federal amendment.
The National Manufacturers Association put Israel Foster out of Congress, defeating him in the primaries in his Ohio constituency by lavish use of money. Julia Lathrop can tell you more about this than I. This slaughter of Mr. Foster is intended as a warning to all legislators not to ratify the federal amendment on pain of ending their legislative careers.
The current Survey has my Ten Questions, and an editorial skit about the Manufacturers Record which our dear Kelloggs idiotically printed my name with!
You know of course about the 40-page pamphlet issued under Ethel Smith's direction. I am also writing to the Children's Bureau to send you their two most recent [page 2] pamphlets, -- one a compilation of state laws affecting children 16 to 21; and the other later one just out, dealing with workmen's compensation of children in Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and one other state, I think New York.
It will be a very great contribution if you can take this article.
Yours devotedly,
F Kelley [signed]
P. S. I omitted to mention that in case of delay McCall's will fall out of the procession and appear a month later. This is their own fault because they delayed deciding about having an article, but it would be not quite so useful as it would be if it were a part of the drive, ↑and hit the legislators just as they meet.↓