Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, July 14, 1924


July 14" 1924


My dear Mr Kellogg --

I have been in bed for a week with a threat of my old malady, a real attack has been averted but I am just a trifle glad of the excuse for my failure to send in an article for the War & Peace number of the Graphic.

I have covered endless sheets of paper with notes but I do not really like any of them and [page 2] from the very first the project did not appeal to me [at all?] from the point of having anything genuine to say.

I am awfully sorry if you are disappointed but I will hereby promise to send you something else when it [matures?] -- a Commission [from?] the Trades Union Ass'n at Amsterdam who were moved by the Xmas message but considered it "too Christian" for them. With profound apologies and hoping we may see you here sometime during the summer, [page 3] I am faithfully yours Jane Addams

P.S. I have really been ill and obliged to give up a Quaker Conference that I was committed to and wanted very much to attend!

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