Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, July 8, 1924


Hulls Cove Maine -- July 8" -- 1924

Dear Emily Balch -- Your letter to Toronto has just reached me here, I find it very difficult to make out the accounts but I certainly wouldn't cable to Vilma Glücklich for any thing now.

Can't we estimate the expenses of one month more (May 1924) so as to make it 36 months or three years and put it in? There could be some qualifying statement as to change of book keeper [etc.] but I think we must put the account into the report and that it is foolish to try to get more material. [page 2] I leave for the Quaker Conference on Friday P.M. July 11" returning Tuesday noon July 15th. Perhaps I could meet you after that at Mrs Kelley's if we would gain anything by going over [them] together.

I should certainly telescope the 6 months into 12 and even if we have 6 pages of printing I think we must have an accounting in the report. You didn't include Mrs Palthe's acc't but it seems to me that I certainly wouldn't put that in, merely her balance that we have on hand so [much?].

The itemized National sections are such a bad showing and something must be done about them. Shall [page 3] we [turn] on Mde Ramondt [for] Vilma Glücklich?

I believe the new arrangement may free up the giving from Europe.

I am awfully sorry to write so vaguely, but doubtless Miss Surles could cast the material into form.

Hastily but always devotedly yours

Jane Addams