Fanny Sinclair Woods to Jane Addams, January 10, 1924


P.U.M.C. Peking, China

Jan. 10th 1924.

Dear Miss Addams,

It is difficult for me to tell you how much I appreciate your sending me this charming little etching of Hull House and the very kind note that accompanied it. Dr Woods and I did so little and we would have liked to do so much more, for it was a privilege to be with you and [page 2] Miss Smith, and we would gladly have absorbed all your time.

I have always meant to write and tell you that we went to see you off but by some misunderstanding went to the wrong train. We were sorry to hear of your illness in Japan, but glad you reached home in safety. I hope you are feeling entirely well by now --

We are returning to America this year on furlough and if [page 3] we are in Chicago at any time, the one thing I want to do is to give myself the pleasure of seeing Hull-House. It would be an added joy if I could see the one who is Hull-House.

Please give my very warm greetings to Miss Smith. My day with you will always be a happy memory in our home.

Did you know that our dear Mrs. Chauncey Goodrich passed away this year about Thanksgiving time? We miss her beautiful Christian spirit. [page 4]

Thanking you again and with cordial greetings to Miss Smith and you in which Dr Woods and the children join me.

Yours sincerely

Fanny S. Woods

(Mrs. A. H.)