John Bertram Andrews to Jane Adams, November 14, 1910


Nov. 14, 1910.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I have just drawn up a definitive Outline of Work and Budget for our Association for the coming year. I am very anxious to go over this with you in order that I may have the advantage of your [advice] and suggestions.

If you expect to be in New York soon, I wish you would drop me a line in order that we may meet while you are here. My telephone is Gramercy, 5974, and the office is on the 21st floor of the Metropolitan Tower, #1 Madison Avenue. We need half an hour together in order to go over the Outline of Work.

Hoping to see you in the near future, I am, with sincere regards,

Very truly yours,

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