Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, September 25, 1923



My Dear Miss Addams

It is surely good to know you are safe & sound back home again. I was more than pleased to have your sweet letter from Nikko and know you were able to write & now many hearts rejoice at your safe home coming. I have so many inquiries for you from those who are not personally acquainted with you, but love you nevertheless. [page 2] The pretty dinner cards you sent are very lovely & typical & also made me think of the way we bought the Dutch cards at The Hague, somehow that seems a long time ago, and the world not much improved in conditions since. I was pleased though at what you could report of peace sentiment in Japan, (there is plenty to do in U.S.A.). Thank the Lord for it. We are thankful though that you got away when you did & even if you had not been in [page 3] the devastated district you escaped the nerve racking shock of it at near range, & when not strong to help. I hope Miss Smith has returned improved for your trip -- please remember me to her if you think of it.

Perhaps you may have heard that we plan a meeting of W.I.L. Board in Chicago the first week of Nov. I am very happy to think of seeing you once more.

I have been pretty steadily at home as Mother has been ill all summer & still has little strength -- we have a nurse for her all the time now, though [page 4] she comes downstairs part of each day & is on the porch when weather permits.

I won't burden you with a long letter but just this loving welcome home.

Affectionately yours always

Lucy Biddle Lewis