Lida Gustava Heymann, et al. to Jane Addams, September 11, 1923


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6, rue du Vieux-Collège

Miss Jane Addams,
President of the International Women's League for Peace and Freedom,
Hull House, Chicago.

At the opening of the Executive Board meeting of the International Women's League for Peace and Freedom in Dresden, we thought of your [in] warm admiration and send you our warmest. Regards. It was with deep regret that we heard about your serious illness in Tokyo and we hope from the bottom of our hearts that you are enjoying your full health again today.

Despite the bleak conditions prevailing in Europe at the moment, we are starting our work again with good will and hope to promote the work through joint consultations in the old spirit and to win new supporters for our cause.

In honorable friendship

Eugénia Miskolczy-Meller [signed]
Marta Vankova [signed]
Maria Nedelkova [signed]
Lida Gustava Heymann [signed]
Catherine E. Marshall [signed]
Vilma Glücklich [signed]
Aletta H. Jacobs [signed]
G. Duchène [signed]
Anita Augspurg [signed]
Gertrud Baer [signed]
Yella Hertzka [signed]
Andrée Jouvre [signed]