Jane Addams to M. Lakshmi Kutti Amma, October 4, 1923


October 4, 1923

My dear Miss Kutti Amma:

I remember very well my great pleasure in meeting you in Madras and how interesting you were in regard to the women of Malaha. It is, however, impossible to place articles in any paper unless one has at least one or two specimens to show to the editors. However interested they are in the subject, it must be presented in a manner acceptable to their readers and of course I would be unable to assure them on that point as I have seen nothing of your writing.

If you would care to send me several manuscripts I would do my best to place them and if they were acceptable I think there would be no doubt that the editors would ask for more.

Hoping very much that I may be of service to you and with good wishes for your work, I am

Faithfully yours,

Miss M. Lakshmi Kutti Amma
Queen Mary's College
Madras, India

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