Jane Addams to Philip Adams, May 7, 1921


May 7, 1921

Mr [Philip] Adams,
Division of Passport Control,
Department of State,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Mr Adams:

Enclosed please find the letter from the Friends Service Committee for which you asked. In the case of myself PC-4-21-12260. In the case of Miss Mary Rozet Smith PC-4-21-12194. And also for Miss Alice Hamilton, PC-4-21-12232. All of us from Chicago.

We have all been identified with the Friends Service Committee in this country, and Dr Hamilton and myself worked with them in Europe during the summer of 1919.

As you see by the enclosed circular we all of us hope to attend the third Congress of the Women's International League, which is to be held in Vienna [page 2]  from the tenth to the sixteenth of July. As we were told however when we applied for our passports that the United States was at present issuing no passports to Austria, we did not mention Austria or the Congress in our application.

We are quite ready to answer any questions which you may care to ask, I am sure you know.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]