Henry Churchill King to Jane Addams, June 11, 1907


June 11, 1907

Miss Jane Addams,

My dear Miss Addams:

Having already brought you two invitations to speak next February, I want to bring you a third for the same month. I greatly wish you might be our speaker for our regular celebrations of Washington's Birthday. As in the case of the other two addresses, I should be glad if you can speak to our students along the line of your book Newer Ideals of Peace. Washington's Birthday is observed as a holiday by the College, and we try to make it count in the directions of a higher patriotism; and such a message as you could bring, I am sure, would specially help in this direction.

We can pay you $25 and expenses, a quite inadequate compensation I know. But if it would be more convenience for you to take this date in consideration with the Cleveland one, I think I could probably arrange so that one should come the evening of the 21st, and other the morning of the 22d.

Very sincerely yours,