Hamlin Garland to Jane Addams, April 21, 1907

6427 Greenwood Ave
April 21.st

Dear Miss Addams:

This is now our home address and we are regularly in the telephone book so that we are accessible. Mrs Garland is not able to go out much at present but if you will give me the opportunity I will be glad to come over to see you some afternoon or evening and I hope you will let me know if I can be of any service to you. I am likely to be here for the next three months and I want to know more of [page 2] what you are doing. It has been some years since I visited Hull House. I don't at present understand how this has happened -- except that I have been living either in the East or in West Salem and living with some difficulty. It is from no lack of interest in the work you are doing. I want to know especially about your newer ventures dramatic and other.

Mrs Garland joins me in well wishes.

Hamlin Garland

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