Charles Lawrence Hutchinson to Louise de Koven Bowen, December 15, 1908


CHICAGO, Dec. 15, 1908

Mrs Joseph T. Bowen,
136 Astor St.

My dear Mrs Bowen:--

Upon my return from the East, I find your letter of December 3rd. My absence accounts for this dilatory answer. I do know Mr. S. B. Chapin, and think it would be possible to obtain some money from him for the work at Hull House. He lives in New York, where he spends the Winter months; he comes every Summer to Lake Geneva, and is there from May to October. I think it would be better to see him personally rather than write to him. He is a generous man and does his part nobly.

I am sorry that you were discouraged by your visit to Mr. Patten. He is a curious man and I doubted the wisdom of writing to him, however, I could not do otherwise under the circumstances. If you had chanced to have caught him in the proper mood, I think you would have fared better.

I have spoken to Mr. Ryerson, but not Mr. Ayer, and Mr. Ryerson has promised to go with me some day to Hull House. I thought I would try to get Mr. Ayer to go with us. My idea was to get them there for dinner some night and let them see the activities of the place. I will try and do this within the next month.

Very truly yours,
 C. L. Hutchinson [signed]