Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, December 14, 1921

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December 14, 1921

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am enclosing proof of the first [installment]. May I have it back by early mail?

Mr. Lasker has a very wonderful Swiss drawing showing Mars and Ceres -- one of the things brought out by Comité Suisse de la Fête Nationale, last year. We may be able to publish it adjacent to your article as it seems so pat.

We are publishing paragraphs in regard to articles and authors on our contents page. Won't you send me back your preface so that I can draw on that for the paragraph in regard to your series.

Also I am wondering if Chapter V, which we are not using and which you are not publishing elsewhere in advance of the book, has not a paragraph or so which I could use in our editorial column in this January issue as throwing a side light on the problem you discuss in A Speculation On Bread Labor and War Slogans.


Paul U Kellogg [signed]