Mabel Hyde Kittredge to Jane Addams, November 16, 1921


Nov. 16th

Dear Miss Addams

Your telegram came today -- I felt like telegraphing back The King is dead. Long live the King. I am sure the new King will be most satisfactory to deal with. I am so glad that your desire for the Washington office turned us all in that direction for I'm dead sure now we did the right thing. I won't try and answer your wire for Mrs Odell only can know whether she can change the plans again.

What we do all want is that you should go to Washington now. [page 2] We want you at the Conference and as Mrs Leach says all you would have to do would be to ask Hughes for admittance. It would seem right that you should be the advisor now in starting the new office. We want our International President in Washington. How fine it would have been had you been there this past week, for the women's meeting Sunday. Do go and I'll join you there in December.


Mabel K.