My dear Miss Addams:
I had a letter from Governor Cox asking me to see you for him, and to urge you to espouse his candidacy and to help us elect him in November. As Weber has told me you have left Hull House for the West, I am writing you in regard to it.
When I remember the evening we spent at Hull House during the Republican Convention, I am very hopeful that you will have seen your way to supporting the Democratic candidate this year. I know that an advocate of the League of Nations must make a strong appeal to you, and that the progress in government as expressed by statutes in Ohio during Governor Cox's terms of office, must meet with your approval. We want you with us very much, not only because of the tremendous weight your endorsement carries, but also because we want the endorsement ↑[encouragement]↓ of your moral leadership.
Mr. Harold [L.] Ickes has told me this morning that he is about to announce himself as a supporter of Governor Cox, partly as a protest against the Republican candidate, but largely because he believes in the Governor and admires him. This is, by the way, confidential for a few days, as he is not to make his announcement until the first of next week.
I wish you would let me know how you are feeling politically, so that I [page 2] may report to Governor Cox. If you would write him yourself I know he would be delighted.
The Countess of Portsmouth was in town yesterday and most anxious to meet you. I hoped to get you for lunch with her, but you were not here. Miss McDowell came and took her over Hull House in the morning. She was greatly interested with what she saw.
Most faithfully yours,