November 8, 1920
My dear Mr. Du Bois:
I am sorry not to attend the next meeting of the Board, but ↑for↓ I am very much interested in the material you are to present. In regard to the first, I should think it was perfectly fair for the "Crisis" fund to bear expenses. Every paper with which I have ever been connected has always paid for the collecting of its material. The "Survey" has constantly sent John Fitch and others to scenes of industrial disorders, "The Nation" has recently sent Mr MacDonald to Ireland, and so forth and so on. Nothing could be more germane to the purpose of the "Crisis" than the history of the colored troops in Europe.
In regard to the second, I should be very glad to be one with some others to help [page 2] raise the fund. I quite agree with you that this is the moment for such a conference, if the Association lacks the money, I think we should try to get a special fund.
With all good wishes, and with regret that I see you so seldom, I am,
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams. [signed]