Mary Rozet Smith to Adena Miller Rich, September 15, 1920


Sept 15. 1920


Dear Mrs. Rich

Miss Addams made a mistake in her date. She arrives in Chicago Wednesday afternoon the 22nd at about four o'clock.

She asks me to tell you this and to ask you if Mr. Byron, or Miss Jennison, will be so good as to buy her a ticket and lower berth on a train arriving in Buffalo Friday morning -- September 24th -- which means, of course, leaving Chicago Thursday evening, the 23rd.

I enclose a [check], which will we trust, pay for a ticket and a lower berth.

It is quite perfect [here now and] [page 2] we shall hate to leave.

But it is pleasant to think of getting back to Chicago and especially to Hull-House.

My love to you and to Kenneth

Faithfully yours,

Mary Rozet Smith