Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, July 5, 1919


July 5" 1919


Alice has been writing such screeds to Clara and others with the request that they be sent to you, so that I am sure you know all of our plans and more [than] that our interminable delays. We thought of course that we would have been there and out again long before this but do not start until tomorrow morning July 6". We will do what we can in three weeks and sail [home?] July 26".

I find it hard to know how you will feel about it, but I am quite sure L de K. B. will disapprove. Please do the best you can for me with her, and I do hope that you can meet me in N.Y. when we land. Alice wants us both to go to Hadlyme with her for a little visit but all that can be settled later. Dr Jacobs is going with us which is a great comfort for a neutral will have a tremendous advantage if any difficulties arise. The embassy here has been [heavenly] good to me and we are starting off under the best of auspices. Love to you and the Lady. Always yrs Jane Addams

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