Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, June 30, 1919



June 30

Dear Miss Addams,

I felt quite blue when on Thursday I got your letter of June 22 saying that you meant to sail for America on Wed. Today comes yours of the 25 when you are planning to start for Holland and not to sail finally till the latter part of July. I am very glad that things have taken this turn.

Mlle Gobat and I are both pleased that about the new development re our organ. I am delighted that Miss Sheepshanks is free and will undertake it. My first impression was that she had better do it from London perhaps for after all Geneva is small and remote from the big currents of life and will be even where there is a diplomatic L. of N. eddy here. Mlle Gobat felt she ↑Miss Sheepshanks↓ would have to be ↑do the work from↓ here. I think a it might prove best for her ↑first↓ to come here and let us get a start together and then for her to carry it on from the London end with me furnishing ↑her with↓ all the raw [illegible] ↑material↓ I could from here. [page 2]

Of course there is a good deal to settle before we get so far as this.

I think the idea of taking what might be necessary from our ↑the↓ funds that ↑which↓ we hoped would carry us for two years and trying to raise the money the second year is not an unreasonable but it means a big yearly budget, say (at the rate we discussed) about $12.000 a year and you know where the bulk of this will have to be raised and on whom it will fall. I obviously cannot raise money from here. We can hope the paper will nearly carry itself, but --

And at the end of 2 years comes a Congress again and there a possible splash of somekind in Wash. in Oct. The activity creates the funds to support it but not without work and I am afraid a quite undue share of it will come back on you. The fear of burdening you is all I see against the plan. Isn't it nice that Miss Sheepshanks wants to do it. It is of course a thing to avoid. I am rereading your letter and noting the various points -- to let our League get two ↑too↓ Anglo-Saxon but perhaps we can provide French German and neutral counterpoises if we bear it in mind. I think Dr. Jacobs is right in thinking we ↑Americans↓ are a little prone to take [page 3] things into our own hands ↑but I think that is more↓ because we like to move quickly rather than because we want to monopolize control.

will am getting out another circular letter, 8 pp; it seemed a pity not to get directly to our membership with the interesting stuff that is coming in↑, directly and promptly.↓

Please ↑My best↓ wishes to you and the "Friends". I suppose dear Mrs. Lewis is missing this on account of illness in her family of which she writes.

I shall write again shortly about some other matters that have come up.

Yours affectionately ever

Emily Balch.