Lucia Ames Mead to Eleanor Daggett Karsten, August 12, 1918

Spofford, N.H.
Aug. 12 '18.

My dear Mrs. Karsten,

I am sorry that Mrs. Post could not write more fully and should like to know just what Mr. Hallinan is doing. I generally trust his judgment and yet I dare say nothing to our members after what Mrs. Post has said as I think I do not sufficiently understand the situation.

I have just returned from Swarthmore and Atlantic City and expect to be here during the month. I am trying to do a little writing but my [page 2] primary interest just now is care for Mr. Mead. He is not well enough to come home with me and will have to return to the hospital as he is very wretched and needs conditions that our home can not supply.

Our directors ought to have a meeting some time early this autumn. Mrs Lewis whom I saw suggested our having a quiet meeting at her home. I fancy New York would be the easiest rendezvous as I hear Miss Addams may address the Society of Reconciliation in New York City state.

You have probably already sent to Wheeling the literature which our new chairman desires. She wrote to me that she had sent for some but not received it.

The news from France seems hopeful [page 3] but the question of final victory depends on Russia. I am glad that your son if he must go is glad to go.

Yours most cordially,

Lucia Ames Mead.