↑Carbon for E. G. B. from A. T. P.↓
My dear Miss Addams:
I am more and more coming to believe that not only have some of our letters been delayed during this holiday season, but that some of them have been lost.
On the 19th you wrote me that I had been appointed one of the Five, and said you hoped I was proceeding to get my passport. In the same letter you said Mrs. Robins said the five Labor men had failed to get theirs, and you asked if I could find out if they had really failed or had been only delayed. I replied to you on the 21st, saying that Mrs. Mead's experience indicated that I had better have a certification of my having been elected on the Five group, and that I would wait for that, for it would not be wise to show your informal statement tentatively since the statement relative to the five labor men happened to be in that letter. This certification I have not received from you, and perhaps it was lost. I will mention here that though I have not yet heard in reply to a question I got started as to the Labor men, I have heard incidentally that the five labor men who were refused passports according to some common report were not representatives of regular organized Labor, but five Boston radicals of some special group. The Federation of Labor men have only very recently been appointed, according to the papers, since you wrote your letter.
Then I received a letter from you dated the 20th, enclosing a revised list of Delegates. Then one [of] the 24th, in which you speak of a hasty letter you had written me the day before. This I appear never to have received. From what you said in the letter of the 24th, it appears to have related to "codifying" the answers received from the [35]. Copies from cables from Denmark and Australia were also enclosed in the letter of the 24th. I also received a letter from Mrs. Karsten dated the 24th, enclosing various correspondence.
Then I [received] a letter postmarked the [26th], containing cables from Norway and Holland and a portion of a letter from Mrs. Swanwick. Then a letter postmarked the 28th, containing a cable from Stockholm. Then a letter postmarked the 31st, containing a letter from Mrs. Mead to State Chairmen.
What I am especially expecting is the certification of my election as one of the Five.
I remember that you have been expecting to come down here early this month, and we will be glad to see you and glad to have you come to us. Of course the delay in the actual meeting of the Peace Conference lessens our sense of pressure to get over. I do not know whether it will make it easier or harder to get passports. As events are turning out it looks as if a reactionary peace would be made, doesn't it? Perhaps we can't do much good, but I still think we ought to try.
Faithfully and affectionately yours,
As usual, I am sending carbons to Mrs. Mead and Miss Balch.