Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, January 6, 1906


January 6, 1906.

Miss Jane Addams,
335 South Halsted Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

I have your letter and the description of your lectures enclosed. It certainly sounds very interesting, and fills me with enthusiasm for your book. By the way, I have just received a letter from the Macmillan Company asking if your book would not be ready for the spring publication. I am replying that I hope it will be ready for the fall. I am glad to know that you think you can spend a considerable amount of time here during the summer, and I hope that you can bring your book to a completion.

You speak about ten lectures. The length of the summer session is six weeks, which would make twelve lectures. I think I may have said that it would not be necessary for you to be away from home much over five weeks, in case you should reach here just in time for the first lecture, and leave immediately after the last lecture. That would mean of course five weeks and two days. The full length of the summer session is six weeks, and of course it is better to remain the full time, if one can conveniently do so. [page 2]

Thanking you for your good wishes, which Mrs. Ely and I reciprocate, I remain,

Faithfully yours,

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