My dear Mrs. Prouty: --
Your letter addressed to Miss Addams came just as she was leaving the City and she has asked me to write to you in answer to it.
As I see you already have a copy of "Twenty Years at Hull-House" I think the only material which I can send you in reference to the paper you have in mind will be material concerning the Woman's Peace Party, of which Miss Addams is Chairman.
The Woman's Peace Party is the section for the United States of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace, which was organized at The Hague in 1915. I am sending you a copy of the Official Report of the Congress of Women at The Hague. Miss Addams, as you will note, is also Chairman of the International Committee. This Committee has national committees organized in twenty different countries, of which the United States is one, and is planning to hold a Congress of Women After the War at the same time and place as the official Peace Conference. Thirty-five delegates and alternates have been appointed in each of the countries organized to study international problems and hold themselves in readiness to attend this Congress when it is called.
I am also sending you the Constitution and various publications of the Woman's Peace Party.
Hoping that this will give you the information which you desire, I am,
Very sincerely yours,
Office Secretary.