Kate Foster Gorham to Jane Addams, June 8, 1917


Boston, June 8, 1917

Miss Jane Addams,
116 S. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Miss Osmond has just called my attention to the letter which she sent you yesterday in regard to a dehydrating plant. This morning, I am in possession of further information which I am glad to pass on to you. As a result of our meeting, Mr. Wheeler, head of the State Board of Agriculture, accepted the chairmanship of a committee to go further with the scheme. He authorized Mrs. Fox, who brought it to my attention to gather a group together and form a cooperation to start a plant.

The Webster Products Company seems to have the best proposition as far as the finished product goes, but it is not in a position to deliver the machinery at once, and it would need some field work to develop the interest of the farmers in contributing their supplies to keep it running on a paying scale. The Company which I have word has just been organized is undertaking to establish a small plant at Arlington to be fed by the immediately surrounding truck gardens, with a capacity of 90 bushels a day. It demands less financial outlay and I have no doubt will prove a success. The interest all around here is very great, and I am getting many inquiries in regard to it.

In the Scientific American, March 10, 1917, there is an [page 2] excellent article in regard to the Webster Products Plant.

The plant that is going to be established at Arlington is to be obtained from the B. F. Sturtevant Co. Readville.

If I can give you any further information, I shall be most happy to do so.

Hoping that you are feeling very much better, I am

Yours very truly,

Kate Foster Gorham [signed]
Executive Secretary.