Jane Addams to Clara Landsberg, August 29, 1905


Dear Lady

Of course I want you for the sec'y work and hope as I always have, that you will consent to take it.

I suggested the others simply because I heard in some roundabout way that you hoped "to be able to teach part of time next year", and I thought that this would be more easily arranged than [illegible] the work at Dearborn Sem'y.

I ought not to have believed any rumors and I shall be most happy if you write at once to Mrs Bowen declining and arrange to do the [page 2] other. I must have written hurriedly for I meant to make it clear that my offer had not changed but if teaching was your decision then this might be a little easier than Dearborn.

Please drop every thing but the sec'y work, I will ask Elsie Smith to take the classes with you as chief advisor, [will] you write out a list of teachers likely to come and sent it to me? Mr Chandler is coming back & both of the Linns--

Hilda Satt is to do the door every day from 4 to 10 P.M. [page 3] She is doing it now in fact and is a master hand in putting people into the right classes. She has a scholarship at the U. of C. and will do this for a livelihood. You know that I always had a weakness for her. Please don't imagine that there is any other Sec'y on the horizon for there is not and never has been. The School Board is going to make lots of work, I may be forced to take the chairmanship of the School Management Committee as the only possible compromise candidate. Shall I write to Mrs Bowen & explain? Mary Linn (Mrs Weber) would be glad for the place & there are doubtless others. [illegible] [page 4]

Please send me a telegram that it is settled. I have learned since that Mrs Hamilton is abroad but I knew nothing when I was in Dublin but Mr Lloyd's book & the portrait. The first is in the hands of the publishers, Gott sei dank!

Marcet goes to a charm school in Bryn Mawr for a month, starting in a day or two and then tries the examinations ↑at the opening of the college--↓ again. She seems a great deal better, I have seen her once this summer. I disapproved of the plan all in vain. She & her mother will be here in a day or two. Always yours devotedly

J. A.

Aug 29" 1905