Mabel L. Hyers to Jane Addams, November 24, 1915


November 24, 1915.

My dear Miss Addams:

I have just received your letter enclosing a copy of the resolutions as they are to be printed. This is a splendid plan and we will look forward eagerly to the copies to be received here.

I regret very much not having received any message in Amsterdam, requesting me to return to New York if I was needed there. Since my return to Chicago we have been energetically at work pushing the telegrams. I should say that the Ford matter was more than interesting.

It was a very great privilege to me to be in New York for the conferences and I feel very grateful in that I am sure the work here can be handled more intelligently for having been there.

With grateful appreciation, I am

Sincerely yours,

Assistant Secretary.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hotel McAlpin,
New York City.

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