Jane Addams to Harriet P. Thomas, March 16, 1917


March 16" 1917

My dear Lady,

I am so glad you are back and I am sure you find all well in the Chicago office with Mrs Karsten returned.

We are having wonderful weather here and I am improving so fast that I cherish hopes of being a normal human being upon my return.

I am very curious to hear about the [page 2] Washington situation. I never became a member of the Emergency Federation in N.Y. or Washington [although] I suspect the public never knew that. I certainly don't want to go back on them but have been startled by some of the clippings. Isn't the present development strange.

I hope you won't feel as if you must return April 16" in any event I will see you before then.

I am sending some material for filing, & am always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

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