Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, August 14, 1904

Lake Geneva,

My dear Alice

It is a long time since I have heard from you and I hope that your summer isn't proving [hot] and uncomfortable.

Mary Smith and I had a delightful fortnight in the Adirondacks added to our sea coast vacation and I am more rested and refreshed than I have been for years. Mary does not come back until the first of Sept. so that I am doing what I can to keep her father and Aunt Sarah cheered up [although] I have plenty of accumulated work on hand. [page 2] The new building is begun and promises to add greatly to the equipment. I am spending Sunday in this delightful spot with Mrs Wilmarth and we are together seeing some people who are interested in the Nursery plans.

I saw Mrs [Peck] at Miss Culver's last Sunday, Helen was away camping as perhaps you know. I spent one night this week with Weber and Mary in their little flat where they are very happy and very jolly in their first housekeeping. [page 3]

I hope that you are coming on with Marcet in the fall and will plan for a visit then. I have been interrupted twice and will have to send this letter unfinished but with much love to Marcet and yourself.

Always your loving sister

Jane Addams

Aug 14" 1904