Richard Theodore Ely to Alice Hamilton, May 14, 1904


May 14, 1904.

My dear Miss Hamilton:--

After inquiry I find that the proper things for Miss Addams to wear will be the doctor's gown without the hood. The hood is furnished by the university. If she wishes to rent a gown she can secure one of S. C. Kern & Company, 411 Fifty-Seventh Street, Chicago. They can also give information concerning what is correct. If a gown is rented one of worsted stuff will be considered appropriate. Unless there are others ↑with↓ whom you wish to consult ↑deal↓ I think it would be well to see Kern & Company.

Faithfully yours,

Dr. Alice Hamilton,

Hull House,
335 South [Halsted] Street,
Chicago, Ill.

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