Norman Hapgood to Jane Addams, November 12, 1916


Nov. 12/16

Windsor, Vermont.

My dear Miss Addams:

I felt very grateful to you for helping in spite of suffering. With the result as close as it was in several states where women vote, the effect [page 2] of your name was, I am sure, a serious factor in the decision. There is nothing I wish more fervently than that your always noble work may soon be done without the [page 3] physical discomfort. My address hereafter will be the University Club, New York, and if you come east before I sail for Europe, about the middle of December, I hope you will have a little [page 4] time for me. I want to write for some months from Europe, largely about peace and reconstruction.

With my best wishes

Yours sincerely

Norman Hapgood

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