Jane Addams to Graham Taylor, April 12, 1916


My dear Dr Taylor

I want to thank you for your kind letters -- which have been very cheering and also say that I hoped to see you yesterday at the School of Civics.

Mrs Bowen and I are planning to call on Mrs Taylor at Ravinia some day when we are in Waukegan, all her friends have been anxious about her and it would be a comfort to see with my own eyes that she was [page 2] being restored. You must know how our sympathy followed you through those days of uncertainty.

I look on your constant and splendid activity in all good civic matters with great admiration and a sense of wonder that it is possible which latter may grow less as I grow stronger but I am sure the former will never wane.

Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

Chicago 12" 1916

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