Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Amy E. Handford, September 7, 1916


My dear Miss Handford:

Miss Addams has referred to me your letter of August 18th in reference to the formation of an organization to arrange a systematized exchange of teachers between America and England.

Miss Addams herself has been ill this summer and out of the city, and much of her correspondence which, perhaps, <would> have received her personal attention, otherwise, has had to be referred to this office. Under these circumstances I am afraid it would not be possible for her to undertake the formation of such an organization as you suggest, desirable though it might seem to be.

I am returning herewith your recommendations which I have read with much interest. I note how much emphasis is put upon your story telling ability and that you seem to have given very special attention to nature study. On the whole, in reading over these recommendations, I cannot help but think that you would make a most excellent story teller for library work and that probably your ability in this line might be tested in one of the San Francisco libraries, since in recent years the story hour has become so important a part in the library <work> with children. This, of course, is merely a suggestion. Perhaps you <it> would not in the least appeal to you and even should it appeal to you it might not be possible to work it out, but to me, feeling that the inculcation of the spirit of internationalism in the children of the country is of real, vital importance, it would seem of great value if, with your international training and ideals and with your ability to hold children, you could influence them in this way.

I am wondering if the San Francisco Branch of the Woman's Peace Party, which has headquarters at the Stewart Hotel, would not be interested in this.

Regretting that I am not able to help you in your plans, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Amy Handford,
1040 Bush St.,
San Francisco, California.

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