Mabel L. Hyers to Mary Armistead Holt, February 9, 1916


February 9th, 1916.

My dear Miss Holt:

You will be disappointed to see that your letter of January the 29th to Miss Addams has found itself in the hands of a Secretary, but Miss Addams is, at the present time, out west for an indefinite stay in an endeavor to regain her health. She has been forced to drop her many activities and devote all of her time to strength-getting.

The moving picture is indeed a great factor in influencing the public, and no one realizes this more strongly than ourselves in the face of "The Battle Cry of Peace," a militaristic play, which has been in Chicago for some months.

I would like very much to see your play produced and while the Woman's Peace Party has no funds for this purpose, it does not seem at all impossible to me that a [publisher] should be found to produce it. In spite of the fact that we appreciate your natural eagerness to get this into the hands of Mr. Ford, I am sure, were Miss Addams here, that she would not feel that her [acquaintance] with Mr. Ford would merit such a recommendation. Perhaps you do not know that Mr. Ford himself is ill and away from Detroit, and gives the details of peace work very little personal attention. This, however, is competently handled by his secretaries and I have no doubt that your manuscript would receive prompt and kindly attention.

I regret exceedingly that it is not within our power to help you more definitely, and with every wish for the success of your film, I am

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Mary A. Holt,
241 Armstead Avenue,
Hampton, Virginia.