6 results

  • Date is exactly "1916-02-09"

Thomas mails Addams several reports and lists the parts of the Annul Report that are being compiled. Thomas also asks Addams not to dismiss her, after she made a serious error.

Karsten sends Ralston a pamphlet by Wales and a testimony from Addams that she believes Ralston will find useful.

Leek had previously asked for information about preparedness, so the Woman's Peace Party sent various literature on the subject.

Holt had sent Addams a copy of her play, which Addams cannot fund or send on to Ford, as Holt had hoped.

Glasgow needed information on preparedness, so the Woman's Peace Party sent him several pieces of literature on the topic.

Dorman had previously requested materials on "preparedness" as a strategy and the Woman's Peace Party has sent him information on the issue.