Mary Greening Mitchell to Jane Addams, December 1915

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago -- Ill --

My Dear Miss Addams,

Can you tell me if I am considered the Chairman of our Montana Woman's Peace Party? I was elected first Vice Chairman and then Miss Stewart left the state and the letter I had notifying me that she couldn't act -- and that I had been elected didn't reach me. This fall I heard from Miss Stewart that I was to take up the work but I have had no communications or literature and have practically done nothing save to have "The Iron Cross" [page 2] read in our town, and enlist our [Woman's] Club for any support [illegible] in its power to [give?].

What can our state do? Or has some one else been appointed? Miss Stewart sent the letter to the wrong initials and it went back to Missoula and didn't reach me at all until a few weeks ago. Heaven knows we are anxious to carry on the work. There surely is need of it.

We sent the telegram to Pres. Wilson, of course, but it seemed a useless sort of thing to do. There's absolutely nothing to be of any avail in the present wicked struggle it sometimes seems. But we certainly shall be [page 3] ready to carry on any work which seems of any use.

We have a Mrs. Vivian Cameron who reads wonderfully well. She has charm, and a very finished style. She read "The Iron Cross" to us lately. I wish every town could hear it. She will read it here in Montana during the holidays -- and next summer would be glad to make engagements. It is a most powerful arraignment of war. Perhaps it would be possible for you to help her make some engagements. Her address is Woodworth Apartments Room 30 -- Great Falls Montana. Mrs. Vivian Cameron -- (reader and impersonator). [page 4]

If I am the Chairman until Miss Stewart returns, I shall be glad to be of greater service if you will tell me how.

Very sincerely yours,

(Mrs. H. B.) Mary G. Mitchell
318 -- 5th Av. No
Great Falls, Mont

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