Cora Malinda Long Livingston to Jane Addams, November 30, 1915

Windsor, Mo.
Nov. 30, 1915.
Miss Jane [Addams].
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss [Addams]:

This may be presumption but I have always been interested in your work in Chicago, and The Peace Conference. I have been requested to give a paper on The International Peace Conference at our January D.A.R. meeting. While I have read several newspaper articles [page 2] referring to [this] Conference yet I did not save them. Could you give me a few notes or refer me to some magazine or newspaper from which I could write an interesting account of this Conference? I am sure it will be a good thing to awaken interest among the women of our small towns as well as cities. [page 3]

Trusting you will pardon this [infringement] on your time.

I am -- Sincerely,

Mrs Fred C Livingston