Henry Churchill King to Jane Addams, [December, 1904]


Dear Miss Addams:--

Would it be possible at all for you to come to us once more for our regularly monthly lectures? We remember with much delight your previous address to our students, that I come back with great desire to ask you to speak to them again. I can promise you a most interested and earnest bearing on the part of some fifteen hundred students, though I am sorry to say we are not able to offer anything in the way of financial compensation, except the expenses of the speaker.

Can you give the lecture for March, which comes at eleven thirty o'clock on the second Thursday, March the ninth? Or, if that date is impossible, could you take the second Thursday of any other month? Even the Thursday [page 2] part of it is not imperative, if you could better come some other day.

With sincere esteem, I am,
Very truly yours,

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