Mabel L. Hyers to Lulu Craven Wilton, October 8, 1915


October 8th, 1915.

My dear Mrs. Wilton:

I have your favor of October the first requesting that Miss Addams write an article for the Iowa State Federation Bulletin. As you probably have seen in the papers, Miss Addams has been quite ill for some months and for this reason I am unwilling to approach her now for a special article. I am, however, sending you under separate cover two or three Pamphlets which Miss Addams has written and extracts which she would, I think, be willing that you should use. If you will be good enough to look over these pamphlets, and, after picking out parts which you think you might use, if there are any, I think Miss Addams would be very glad to give her permission for their [reprint].

I am sorry that this is the most we can do for you at this time.

Thank you for taking up the subject of Peace in your paper, we are

Sincerely yours,

Acting Executive Secretary.

Mrs. L. C. Wilton,
1547 Twenty-sixth St.,
Des Moines, Iowa.

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