Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, April 29, 1902


Madison, Wis., April 29, 1902.

Miss Jane Addams,
335 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams;

Have you chanced to notice the announcement of my articles in the last issue of Harper's? I have written two articles and did not originally intend to write any more. They have announced, however, a series and intimate that they would like at least three more. The general subject is American Industrial conditions. I am now thinking about what is the best subject to treat next. My first article is on "Pelzer", a milling village in South Carolina, and my second on 'The Latest Industrial Betterment in Cleveland'—wherein, by the way, I have something to say about your new book. I am thinking about taking some Chicago subject for my third article. I have thought that possibly I could link together social settlements and sweat shops in Chicago. What do you think of this? I want to make the article as helpful as possible. Is there any other subject which occurs to you? When I can get a few days off, I think I shall come down and see you and look up subjects and "stuff".

I am greatly pleased to see indications that your book is doing well.                                                                    

Sincerely, yours

P.S. Is Mr. George E. Hooker with you now, or has he gone to Europe [as] he originally intended?

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