Jane Addams to Eleanor Sophia Smith, August 6, 1901


Aug 6" 1901


My dear E. Smith

Your letter quite hurt my feelings in spite of its sweetness and sincerity.

I suppose it is the punishment for my wild activity in the early days of H.H. that people refuse to believe me when I say that I care more for the quality of the resident's work than for unceasing doings. [page 2]

If you had only written the Sweat shop and taught it to the girls, it would be in my mind a complete justification for all of the "room" you ever took -- the music School is much more a part of the House than it used to be and a very fine and important part.

I could also say a good deal about residents who are sympathetic and really care for the deeper purposes of the House, [page 3] but it seems to me, you ought to be willing to take my word for it -- that it would be a genuine blow and keen disappointment to have you go.  No Miss Crocker nor any other lady whom I at present know, would make up for you.

Dear E. Smith, we used to understand each others remarks, some times quite intuitively. Do make an effort to believe me and please please "don't go way --" [page 4]

I hope the household is as jolly and comfortable as can be up in the mountains. I [recall] our one day in the house very [vividly]. Please give my love to all the members, and do send me a little line saying that you understand and are coming back, not because I insist upon it (and I am not going to give you up without a fight, I warn you now) but because it does seem a little like home [page 5] <so much so> that you will stop calculating how "profitable" you are and will come back to it, because you belong to it and are a part of it whether you know it or not. Let us stick to it that a "settlement is a group" and not break up because of scruples --

Always faithfully yours

(and a good deal more affectionately than you seem to know) J.A.

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