Jane Addams to Jacob Gould Schurman, October 29, 1914


October 29, 1914

My dear Dr. Schurman: --

As I recall my arrangement with Mr. Hanmer, I accepted the invitation to lecture on March 22nd on "The Citizen and the Immigrant in America" with the understanding that if it were impossible for me to come (as I am under a partial engagement to take an invalid friend to California) I might send you as substitute Miss Grace Abbott.

Miss Abbott is the superintendent of the Immigrants' Protective League in Chicago and lives at Hull-House. She makes a remarkably clear and fine statement in regard to the immigrant. She is a very effective speaker and the students would gain, rather than lose, if she came.

I do expect to come myself and shall regard it as an engagement, but I am sure that Mr. Hanmer will recall this arrangement.

Regretting my delayed reply, I am sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

President J. G. Schurman
Cornell College.

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