Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, April 5, 1915


CHICAGO, April 5, 1915

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

Mr. H. J. Smith, news editor of the "News" tells me that he expects to accompany his wife on the expedition to The Hague, and that they are planning to sail with you. By strange mischance Mr. Smith tells me that he does not know you personally and I take great pleasure in telling you that I think Mr. Smith one of the too few newspaper men that is thoroughly committed to ideals. However he as an editor may be hampered or defeated by the business considerations and counting-room dictations. I believe him to be a man to "go hunting tigers with" as Huxley said of Tyndall.

I hope that your journey will be frought with some pleasure as it is burdened with a great cause. I don't know what you can do but you can't help doing something and everything counts.

Believing that you will enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Smith and wishing for you the happiest of voyages, I am

Always your comrade in the Army of Peace,

Jenkin Lloyd Jones [signed]