Alice Thacher Post to Woman's Peace Party Charter Members, January 15, 1915


[Washington,] D.C.

January, 1915.

I am authorized by Miss Addams and Mrs. Fitzgerald to remind you that by vote of the recent Conference in this city which created the new Woman's Peace Party, you as a delegate to that Conference are being enrolled as a Charter Member. It is hoped that each Charter Member will, through the payment of a dollar, become a Sustaining Member, and larger contributions will of course be very acceptable, as a great sum of money will have to be raised.

I enclose leaflets of Preamble and Platform for your immediate use, and we will be glad to send you further supplies if you will let us know how many you can use.

It is desired that all Charter Members shall consider themselves especially authorized to obtain new members for the Woman's Peace Party, and to organize groups.

Kindly let me know by enclosed postal if this letter reaches you, and whether I have your name, your address and your organization exactly right.

Very sincerely yours,